Create a Sales Item

Before creating a Sales Order, you must first create items. To create a Sales Item:

  • In the FloEnvy Dashboard, open the Navigation Bar, expand Sales, and click Products
  • On the Manage Products page, click Add Product


  • Fill out required Product DetailsInventory Details, and Contents with the applicable information for your new item
    • Note: For Source Harvest, select the Batch(es) that this Item is derived from 
  • Click Submit to save
  • After the Item is created, you can toggle it's availability by setting it to Active
  • Price and Unit can be updated
  • If LeafLink integration is active, you can connect your item with an existing LeafLink product by clicking Connect


  • Or you can upload a new FloEnvy item to LeafLink by highlighting the row, and clicking Upload
  • Fill out the Required LeafLink Product Information and then Submit to LeafLink

