Start Here: The FloEnvy Cultivation Guide

In this article, we show you how to track the full plant lifecycle in FloEnvy using two methods. We review each of the standard lifecycle tasks from cloning to harvest, and how to create custom tasks.


  • Configure your Strains under the Strains page (In the menu open “Plants” → “Strains”)
  • Configure your Sites in your facility under the Sites page
  • We recommend starting with Method #1 and then proceeding to Method #2 after you have a few cultivation runs under your belt.

Method #1: Simple Plant Tracking

The FloEnvy Dashboard allows you to track your plant lifecycle quickly and efficiently. 
In most cases, this involves no more than  10 minutes per day of data upkeep.

If you are short on time each day, we recommend this method as you only need to perform your tasks inside the “Plants” tab of the FloEnvy Dashboard.

Creating a Batch

  • The first step in the plant life cycle is Batch creation.

    • To start, click on the batches tab (In the menu open "Plants"  → “Batches”)

  • Click the “+ New” button

  • Complete the form fields for the new Batch:

  • The most critical fields are:

    • Name, which must be a unique name for your Batch
    • Strain (if you don’t have any Strains setup, please add them first under the Strains Tab)
    • Number of Plants
    • Initial Location
    • Origin Type
    • Expected Vegetative/Flowering/Harvest Day
      • Optional fields that let you forecast your cycle yields. This will also setup alerts to remind you to move your plants between phases.
  • You can create multiple batches by clicking “+ Add another

  • Finally, click the “Create” button to finish creating the batch

Where to Track your Plants

Once a batch is created, you can track all of your plants in 3 different places:

  • FloEnvy Smart Grid

    • View all of your sites and the plants inside each of them.
    • The recommended view to efficiently track your plants and perform cultivation actions.


  • Plants by Phase page
    • All of your plants split by phase, in a table style view.

  • Batches page
    • All of your batches and the plant counts across each phase (Mother, Immature, Vegetative, Flowering, Harvested, Destroyed).
    • This is also where you create new Batches

Cultivation Action Buttons

In each of these three tabs, there are action buttons across the top which represent the Standard Cultivation Tasks.

The Standard Cultivation Tasks

These are the plant-touching tasks that are used to track a typical grow cycle.

  • Clone Plants
    • Used to create new batches from existing mother plants
  • Change Growth Phase
    • Used to mark the phase of a plant from immature to veg, or from veg to flower
    • Note: This will move the plants and change growth phase in one step (no need to do both).
  • Move Plants
    • Used to move plants from one Site to another
  • Destroy Plants
    • Used to report plant death and destruction
    • Note: This will destroy your plants and report waste in one step (no need to do both).
  • Report Waste
    • Used to report any waste that occurs in your cultivation process. Typically used for topping, defanning and deleafing.
  • Harvest
    • Used to submit harvest data
    • Note: This will harvest your plants, change the state of a plant to “Harvested”, and report waste in one step.

Recommended workflow

  • Create a batch to match your real production batches
    • Set the vegetative and flowering days. FloEnvy will send you an SMS reminder on these days (be sure to configure your phone number under your User settings).
  • On the day you plan to flip to veg and flower:
    • Navigate to the FloEnvy Smart Grid and select the location of the batch
    • Select the batch under the dropdown filter
    • Click “Change Growth Phase
    • Fill out the form fields and submit
  • If a plant dies or gets destroyed, utilize the Destroy Plants action button
  • If you have green waste, utilize the Report Waste action button
  • If plants are moved outside of their planned phase change days, utilize the Move Plants action button
  • On your scheduled harvest day, submit your Harvest data using the Harvest action button

Method #2: Advanced Cycle Tracking

Understanding Cycles

  • The advanced cycle tracking method involves setting up FloEnvy cycles and tracking all plant-touching tasks within the Grow Cycles tab (In the main menu navigate to ”Cultivation” → “Grow Cycles”).

    • A Cycle is a set of plant batches that are being tracked under the same timeline of tasks.
  • Each Cycle has a predefined timeline of Task Types, which includes all plant touching tasks in addition to any custom tasks you wish to track.
  • By default, your FloEnvy account comes with a standard set of Task Types which are the same as your Standard Cultivation tasks:
    • Cloning
    • Changing Growth Phase
    • Reporting Waste
    • Destroying Plants
    • Moving Plants
    • Harvesting

Creating Task Types

  • You can also create as many custom task types as you would like using the Task Types tab

  • By default, a standard set of and Task Types and Action Items come pre-populated with your FloEnvy account, including the Standard Cultivation Tasks.
  • Beyond these standard 6 tasks, you are free to create custom tasks to track any data you during your grow cycle. Some examples include:
    • IPM Tasks, such as Scouting or Spraying
    • Cleaning & Sanitation
    • Daily room checks
  • Each task can have multiple Action Items, which require data to be submitted.

    • Conceptually, an action item is like a spreadsheet you might track in excel. When you submit data to an action item, it populates a row in the spreadsheet.

Building a Template

  • After you’ve customized your tasks, you can now sequence them into a Template (In the main menu open "Cultivation" → “Templates”)
    • A Template is a series of Task Types in a timeline. For each Task Type, you can assign a specific day number or leave it flexible, which allows you to initiate the task on the fly.
  • By default, your account comes with a “FloEnvy Starter” Template. You can also create as many templates as you want, but we recommend to keep it simple and use one to start.
    • Eventually, you can have custom templates for each strain or grow room in your facility.

Creating a Cycle

  • Now it’s time to create a Cycle. Click into the “Cycles” tab and click “New Cycle”.
  • Give the Cycle a Name and Start Date
  • Select the Template to use in the Cycle
    • You can modify a template after you select it
  • Select the Plant Batches you want to be part of this cycle
    • If you don’t have any plant batches yet, you can create new Plant Batches here as well.
  • Click “Create”, which will take you to the new cycle page

Submitting Task Data

  • Each Cycle task has a “Data Captured” section, which contains a table for each of the Task’s Action Items
  • To submit data for an Action Item, you have 2 options:
    • From the FloEnvy Dashboard:
      • Open the Action Item under the Cycle Task
      • Open the “Data Captured” section and click “+ Insert Row”.
      • Fill out all of the required fields
      • Click “Submit”
      • If the Task has an inventory trigger, then select the row and click the “Finalize” button to perform update your inventory

      • After submission, you can edit, delete, or finalize any of the rows.
        • Finalization is only enabled for Action Items that have an Inventory Trigger.
        • To read more about Action Items and Inventory Triggers, read our full guide here.
    • From the FloEnvy Mobile App
      • If you wish to submit the task in the FloEnvy mobile app, first ensure that your staff permissions are setup properly. 
      • Login to the FloEnvy Mobile App 
      • Select the Task you wish to submit data for
      • Click the button that corresponds to the Action Item you wish to submit data for
      • Fill out all of the required fields
      • Click “Submit”

  • As each task is completed, you can set the status to “Completed”.

  • Once all the cycle tasks are submitted, the cycle can be completed and you can update the cycle status to “Completed”.

Tracking Labor Hours

  • You can optionally track your team’s labor hours performed during each cycle task. To track labor hours, read our full guide on Tracking Labor in FloEnvy.

Recommended Workflow

  • Create a template containing your most common Tasks
  • Create a Cycle and track each of the Standard Cultivation Tasks
  • For each task, submit data under both the “Data Captured” as well as “Labor Captured” sections.
  • That’s it! If you’re using the Cycle workflow correctly, each person in your team should only spend 15-20 minutes in FloEnvy each day.

Tips for Your First Cycle

  • For your first cycle run, we recommend utilizing the Standard Cultivation Tasks listed above and not building too many custom tasks. There's no need to get too fancy!
    • It is more important to get started tracking your plants as soon as possible (1-2 weeks after creating your account) rather than waiting to build every single Task Type which will introduce delays.
  • After you run through your first cycle successfully, you can create custom Task Types based on the gaps and data you want to track for your next run.
    • The more experience you have under your belt, the more comfortable your team will be with using FloEnvy to log data and perform custom Tasks.