Hardware-based Harvest

Follow these instructions to perform a harvest using a scanner (Barcode or RFID) and USB scale.

From FloEnvy Dashboard:

  1. Connect your scale to your computer/tablet via USB

  2. Connect your scanner to your computer/tablet via USB

  3. Navigate to the Plants By Phase Page

    1. Click the “Flowering” tab (Note: only flowering plants can be harvested).

      Screenshot 2024-03-08 at 11.28.23 AM
    2. Click the search icon on the right of the ID column

    3. Click “Start Scanning”

      Screenshot 2024-03-08 at 11.11.06 AM
  4. Scan a plant tag

    1. This will perform a search against all of your plants. The search bar should say “1 plant scanned”.

      Screenshot 2024-03-08 at 10.47.31 AM

    2. At this point, the scanned plant will appear in the UI to filter the table or smart grid

      Screenshot 2024-03-08 at 10.46.58 AM

    3. Click the checkbox next to the plant record, then press the “Harvest” action button, which will open up the harvest modal to enter the data for the harvest

      Screenshot 2024-03-08 at 10.49.21 AM

  5. In the Harvest modal, click the “Wet harvest weight” field

    1. Assuming you have an Ohaus scale connected via USB, click the “Print” button


    2. This should print the value into the weight field you selected

      Screenshot 2024-03-08 at 10.55.52 AM

  6. Fill out the rest of the Harvest Modal form and submit the harvest. This will process the Harvest transaction and set the plant’s status to “Harvested”.

From FloEnvy Mobile App:

  1. Connect your scale (Note: the scale must be connected via USB)
  2. Make sure your scanner is connected via USB or you are using a Zebra RFID Scan gun that has the FloEnvy Mobile App installed
  3. Open the FloEnvy Mobile App
  4. Open either a scheduled Harvest task or click Harvest
  5. Click into the Plant ID field
    1. Scan a plant tag (either barcode or RFID)
    2. The tag should automatically be sent to the Plant ID field
      1. This will perform a search for that Plant ID
      2. Assuming there is a match, click the match to confirm the correct Plant ID
  6. Press the weight field you wish to enter the harvest weight
    1. Assuming you have an Ohaus scale connected via USB, click the “Print” button
    2. This should print the value into the weight field you selected
  7. Fill out the rest of the action fields and submit the harvest.
  8. Now your harvest data has been submitted to the task.
  9. The last step is to finalize the harvest transaction. This must be done in the FloEnvy Dashboard.
    1. Navigate to the task and open the Harvest Plant action item.
    2. Select the rows you wish to finalize, then click “Finalize”. This will process the Harvest transaction and set the plant’s status to “Harvested”.