Task Template Triggers & Sequencing Tasks

In this article, we review how to create task template triggers that allow you to dynamically sequence tasks inside of a cycle.


Task Template Triggers

Task template triggers are a way to sequence tasks and trigger their creation dynamically inside of a Cycle.

When one task in the sequence is set to “Completed”, the next task gets added to the cycle timeline.

For example, let’s say you want your team to perform the following tasks in order:

  1. Scouting

  2. Spraying

  3. Floor Sanitization

However you wish to only create the Spraying task when the Scouting task is completed, and the Floor Sanitization task to be created only when the Spraying task is finished.

This is where task template triggers can be used.

To model this workflow inside FloEnvy:

  • Navigate your task template
  • Create a “Scouting” task inside of a template:

  • Click the “Task Trigger” button
  • In the “1st task to trigger” dropdown, select “Spray Application
  • Click “Add another
  • In the “2nd task to trigger” dropdown, select “Sanitize Floor

  • Click “Confirm

Once this template is used inside a cycle, navigate to an instance of the “Scouting” Task.

(Note: if you didn’t assign a day to the Scouting task in the template, then you can add it into the cycle timeline now by clicking “New Task” in the top right corner)

Set the task status to “Completed” once your team completes the task.

This will trigger the creation of a “Spray Application” task and add it to the cycle timeline.

Similarly, when your team finishes the Spray Application task, set the task status to “Completed”. This will trigger the creation of a “Sanitize Floor” task and add it to the cycle timeline.

You can create as many task triggers inside your template as you need to model your exact workflow.