Metz Modules - Setting Baud Rate and MAC Address

Each Metz Module has two rotary dials that are used to set the speed at which the Metz Module communicates (Baud Rate) and its unique identifier (MAC Address) along the MS/TP chain it communicates across. The top dial is referred to as the x10 dial, and the bottom dial is referred to as the x1 dial for the steps below.


Before setting the Baud rate and MAC address of a Metz module, one must ensure that the Metz module is powered on and that one has a small controls screwdriver in order to easily rotate the dials for the processes outlined below.


Setting the Baud Rate of a Metz module


One can set the Baud Rate of a Metz module to 38400 (standard communication speed) by turning the x10 dial to ‘F’ and the x1 dial to ‘C’. The ‘Error’ and ‘Busy’ lights should start blinking alternately. Make sure to set the x10 dial before the x1 dial.


Setting the MAC Address of a Metz Module


Once the Baud Rate has been set, set the x10 dial back to ‘0’. Finally, set the x1 dial on the first Metz module to ‘2’, the x1 dial on the second Metz Module to ‘3’, the third to ‘4’, and so on until the end of the chain. When you reach the 16th Metz module, set the x10 dial to ‘1’ and the x1 dial to ‘0’, and continue increasing the x1 dial on subsequent modules until the end of the chain. This will give each module unique addresses so the controller can recognize them, since the dials on the Metz modules are hexadecimal.


The video below walks through how one sets the Baud Rate and MAC Address of a Metz module (more videos can be found at our Growlink University Webpage):