Troubleshooting Guide – Precision Irrigation Controllers

Precision Irrigation Controllers (PIC’s) are controllers with four SDI-12 inputs and four 24VAC outputs that function as a wet contact. Listed below are common issues customers report with associated troubleshooting steps to isolate the issue further as well as potential solutions to those issues:


My irrigation controller is falling offline regularly.

Depending on the model of PIC, the PIC will either be able to connect to a local network via WiFi or via an Ethernet cable.


In the case of controllers that are connected via WiFi, the most common causes of this behavior is the controller being bounced between two different Access Points within a mesh network setup, the controller having multiple network credentials stored on its WiFi chip and bouncing between those two networks due to a drop in Signal Strength, or the Signal Strength being received by the nearest Access Point is insufficient for the controller to maintain a consistent network connection.


The former two issues can be resolved by forcing the controller to connect to a specific Access Point or network at the network infrastructure level or clearing the WiFi cache on the controller so that it only has the credentials to connect to a single network. The WiFi cache on the controller can be reset by holding down the setup button on the controller for 10 seconds. The latter issue can be resolved by moving the controller closer to the nearest Access Point to bolster the signal strength that the controller is receiving.


Alternatively, if the controller has an Ethernet port, one can hard-wire the controller to the network via an Ethernet cable, followed by clearing the WiFi cache on the controller to ensure that the controller will only use the Ethernet connection to communicate over the local network.



When I turn on an output through the software, the valve connected to the output does not open.

If an output is being turned on in the software and the downstream valve is not opening, the quickest way to isolate the issue is to use a multi-meter to confirm if the output is providing voltage or not.


By setting a mutli-meter to read AC voltage (V~) and tapping into the + and – terminal for the specific output, one can confirm if 24VAC is being sent down the output towards the valve. If 24VAC is being seen, then there is an issue either with downstream wiring, there is a physical failure of the solenoid, or the flow control knob of the solenoid needs to be adjusted. If 0VAC is being seen, then there is either a short in the wiring or the fuse on the output has been blown.


By disconnecting the downstream wires, resetting the PIC, and testing the output again with no downstream wires attached and the terminal screws tightened down, one can confirm if the fuse has been blown or not. If one sees 24VAC after performing the previous steps, then the issue is with a short in the downstream wiring. If 0VAC is still being seen, then the upstream fuse on the output has been blown and will need to be replaced, if possible. Reaching out to our support team at would allow us to check the warranty status of the controller and submit a warranty claim, if applicable.



Can I connect a pump to the PIC?

No, a pump cannot be directly connected to a PIC’s outputs.


Each output on a PIC is fuse protected with a 1A fuse, and the output is a wet contact. Attempting to drive a pump off of that output would blow the fuse and potentially damage the controller. Instead, it is recommended that customers utilize a pressure regulator for their pump such that the pump’s activity is indirectly controlled by downstream solenoids opening and closing, which affects the pressure within the plumbing and triggers the pressure regulator to activate and deactivate the pump in response to those pressure changes.



My irrigation controller has no status light displaying on its LED.

If your irrigation controller is displaying no status light, then the controller is either not receiving power from its power supply, or an internal component has been fried from a power surge that is no longer allowing the PIC to power on. Using a multi-meter, one can test the power coming from the power supply in order to confirm that the power supply is providing the appropriate voltage. Refer to the side of the power supply that is plugged into the outlet for pertinent information on if the power supply is providing AC voltage or DC voltage to the controller.


If the power supply has been confirmed to be providing sufficient voltage to the controller via a multi-meter, then the issue is with a fried internal component preventing the PIC from routing power correctly. Reaching out to our support team at would allow us to check the warranty status of the controller and submit a warranty claim, if applicable.



My irrigation controller is flashing a red status light.

An irrigation controller flashing a red status light indicates that the controller is on an older firmware version with outdated security keys that is preventing the controller from connecting to our device cloud.


However, one can manually update the firmware on the controller to the latest version by getting a micro-USB cable, connecting the cable to the Micro-USB port at the top of the controller to a laptop, going to the following website on your laptop:


and updating the controller's firmware manually through that micro-usb cable. It is recommended to use a micro-usb cable that has a 90° angle to it, as it makes it easier to seat the micro-usb cable into the port at the top of the controller.


It is imperative that you utilize a data micro-usb cable so that one can transfer data across the cable otherwise the controller will not be detected by your laptop when connected and the firmware update will be unsuccessful.



Warranty Info:

Controller hardware sold has a warranty of 3 years from the date of receipt or date of registration, whichever occurs first. Further warranty information can be found at the link below: