Schedule Overview

Schedules are a rule type that activate a device from a specified Start Time until a specified End Time for either a specific day(s) of the week or every day. This rule type is commonly used for devices that should continuously be active, such as BACnet setpoints for HVAC units, keeping your lights on during the room’s daytime window, and keeping circulation fans active.

Schedule Form
When creating a Schedules within Portal 2.0, a form will populate to build the logic for the desired rules. These fields and their definitions are listed below for ease of use:

Display Name – An Optional field where one can name the rule to easily identify the rule. If nothing is input in this field, the name of the rule defaults to the devices being triggered in the rule.
Schedule Type
– A required field to determine if the rule is Static or Dynamic. Static rules will always trigger at the value and deadband set and are a ‘set and forget’ method. Dynamic Rules will change their value based on the setpoint set within the Setpoints Drawer. Further information on Setpoints can be found in the article below:
Setpoints Knowledge Guide
– A required field that designates what device(s) are to activate from the specified Start Time until the specified End Time
– A required field that determines what days of the week that the schedule will be allowed to activate. One can select Every day of the week, a single day of the week, or a subset of days during the week as available options.
Start Time
– A required field that determines at white time the device in the rule is turned on at.
End time – A required field that determines at what time the device in the rule is turned off at.


The article below goes over an example setting up a static schedule for controlling lights:

Lighting Schedule