Sensor Trigger Overview

Sensor Triggers are a rule type that pairs sensor data with a device, determining whether or not the device activates based on the sensor data provided.

Sensor Trigger Form
When creating a Sensor Trigger within Portal 2.0, a form will populate to build the logic for the desired rules. These fields and their definitions are listed below for ease of use:

Display Name – An Optional field where one can name the rule to easily identify the rule. If nothing is input in this field, the name of the rule defaults to the devices being triggered in the rule.

Time of Day – The Time of Day field determines when the rule will be active. The options are ‘Day Only’, ‘Night Only’, or ‘Custom Time’. Day Only rules only activate during the controller’s Day Range, Night Only rules only activate outside of the controller’s Day Range, and Custom Time rules activate between a start and end time specified by the user. The Day Range can be specified in the Controller’s Profile setting. The article below goes over where one can locate the Controller Profile and update the Day Range accordingly.
Controller Profile Settings

Sensor – A required field that designates what sensor data you wish to pair with a device’s activation.

Device(s) to Trigger – A required field that designates what device(s) are to activate and deactivate with the paired sensor data.

Static or Dynamic Setpoint – A required field to determine if the rule is Static or Dynamic. Static rules will always trigger at the value and deadband set and are a ‘set and forget’ method. Dynamic Rules will change their value based on the setpoint set within the Setpoints Drawer. Further information on Setpoints can be found in the article below:
Setpoints Knowledge Guide

Value – A required field to set the center point of activation. This value is utilized in conjunction with the deadband and activation point to determine at what range of values the paired device(s) in the rules should activate and deactivate.

Deadband – A required field to set the bounds around the value to determine when the paired device(s) should activate and deactivate. For example, if a value is set for 70°F and the deadband set of 2°F, the corresponding range in values that would determine whether a device would activate and deactivate is between 68°F and 72°F.

Activation Point – A required field to determine if the paired device(s) activates if the sensor in the rule goes above a specified range of values (Above Setpoint) or if the sensor in the rule goes below a specified range of values (Below Setpoint).

Advanced Options – An optional field that allows the user to configure the sensor trigger to wait to activate the paired devices until the sensor data exceeds the trigger condition for a set window of time (Minimum Sensor Time), activate the paired device for a minimum length of time when the rule triggers (Minimum Run Time), and enforce a maximum run time on activation when triggered (Maximum Run Time). Further information on Advanced Sensor trigger options and how they function can be found in the article below:
Advanced Sensor Trigger Options

Override (Toggle) – An optional toggle that reverses the logic of the configured rule. This will prevent the paired device from activating when the rule is triggered, instead of activating the device.

Inactive/Active (Toggle) – An optional toggle that activates or deactivates the rule logic. This allows the user to turn off sensor triggers that are currently not needed without having to delete the rule configuration itself.

Some common use cases for Sensor Triggers include:

Controlling a Humidifier based on the Humidity/VPD of the room

Controlling a Dehumidifier based on the Humidity/VPD of the room

Filling Batch Tanks based on the level of the Batch Tank

Controlling a CO2 Regulator based on the CO2 concentration of the room

Sensor Triggers can also be configured as overrides, which can prevent a device from activating depending on the sensor data being provided. The most common use case for a sensor trigger override is related to lights, such as turning off the lights in the room if the temperature of the room exceeds a set value. The video below goes over how one can setup an override within Portal 2.0:
Lighting Sensor Trigger Override